The Madras High Court on Tuesday stayed for eight weeks the execution of Murugan, Santhan and Perarivalan, the three convicts in the former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi assassination case even as the Tamil Nadu Assembly appealed to President Pratibha Patil to reconsider their mercy pleas.
The execution was fixed for September 9 after the President rejected the clemency petition of the three early this month.
Minutes before a division bench of the High Court, comprising Justice C Nagappan and Justice M Sathyanarayana, restrained the Vellore Jail Authorities from executing the death sentence, the Assembly unanimously adopted the resolution moved by Chief Minister Jayalalitha urging the President to commute their death sentence to life imprisonment.
Source - News The execution was fixed for September 9 after the President rejected the clemency petition of the three early this month.
Minutes before a division bench of the High Court, comprising Justice C Nagappan and Justice M Sathyanarayana, restrained the Vellore Jail Authorities from executing the death sentence, the Assembly unanimously adopted the resolution moved by Chief Minister Jayalalitha urging the President to commute their death sentence to life imprisonment.
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